13 research outputs found

    A Modified Meta-Heuristic Approach for Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery

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    The aim of this work is to develop an intelligent optimization software based on enhanced VNS meta-heuristic to tackle Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery (VRPSPD). An optimization system developed based on enhanced Variable Neighborhood Search with Perturbation Mechanism and Adaptive Selection Mechanism as the simple but effective optimization approach presented in this work. The solution method composed by combining Perturbation based Variable Neighborhood Search (PVNS) with Adaptive Selection  Mechanism (ASM) to control perturbation scheme. Instead of stochastic approach, selection of perturbation scheme used in the algorithm employed an empirical selection based on each perturbation scheme success along the search. The ASM help algorithm to get more diversification degree and jumping from local optimum condition using most successful perturbation scheme empirically in the search process. A comparative analysis with a well-known exact approach is presented to test the solution method in a generated VRPSPD benchmark instance in limited computation time. Then a test to VRPSPD scenario provided by a liquefied petroleum gas distribution company is performed. The test result confirms that solution method present superior performance against exact approach solution in giving best solution for larger sized instance and successfully obtain substantial improvements when compared to the basic VNS and original route planning technique used by a distributor company


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    The agricultural production in Desa Sambong Ledok District of Blora besides rice are also in the form of corn. The world of industry (SMEs) in the village Ledok Sambong Dis- trict of Blora using corn as an ingredient processed into corn flour. Drying corn flour pro- cessed from corn starch by relying on sunlight. By the time the rain drying process encountered resistance so that the production decline. Science and technology program for the Commu- nity (IbM) providing solutions to design and make a dryer for processed corn into cornmeal on SMEs Egg Roll Corn Patra Sutra brand and SMEs Corn Crackers Maju Sejahtera brand at Desa Sambong Ledok District of Blora. Drying tool is made with a capacity of 20-30 kg of maize flour can dry within a day, this drying appliance can use electricity or gas source. The results obtained in this IbM activity is the production can run smoothly and increase product quality corn flour are homogeneous, hyegienic and durable, as well as the drying process which is more efficien

    An efficient meta-heuristic algorithm for solving capacitated vehicle routing problem

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    This work aims to develop an enhanced Perturbation based Variable Neighborhood Search with Adaptive Selection Mechanism (PVNS ASM) to solve the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP). This approach combined Perturbation based Variable Neighborhood Search (PVNS) with Adaptive Selection Mechanism (ASM) to control perturbation scheme. Instead of stochastic approach, selection of perturbation scheme used in the algorithm employed an empirical selection based on success rate of each perturbation scheme along the search. The ASM helped algorithm to get more diversification degree and jumping from local optimum condition using most successful perturbation scheme empirically in the search process. A comparative analysis with existing heuristics in the literature has been performed on 21 CVRP benchmarks. The computational results proof that the developed method is competitive and very efficient in achieving high quality solution within reasonable computation time


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    Pada masa mendatang penerapan teknologi internet di bidang pendidikan dan pelatihan akan sangat dibutuhkan dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas dan pemerataan layanan pendidikan. Sehingga diperlukan solusi yang tepat dan cepat dalam mengatasi berbagai masalah yang berkaitan dengan mutu pendidikan. Melalui e-learning, pendidikan jarak jauh yang bergantung pada jarak dan waktu untuk pelaksanaan pendidikan dan pelatihan akan dapat diatasi, sehingga diperlukan penggunaan suatu media learning management system. Kegiatan pelatihan learning management system pada guru di Gugus Ki Hajar Dewantoro Kabupaten Semarang telah dilaksanakan pada 18-25 Juli 2020 menggunakan media Zoom Meeting dengan materi pengenalan sampai dengan mempraktikkan pembelajaran dengan LMS Schoology. Kegiatan pembukaan dan penutupan juga dilaksanakan secara langsung di SDN Sugihan 02 melalui perwakilan. Pelatihan dilakukan oleh tim pengabdian Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang yang terdiri dari lima orang dosen dan dua orang mahasiswa. Dilakukan evaluasi dengan memberikan pre test dan post test. Hasil pre test menyimpulkan peserta yang kebanyakan berstatus sebagai guru, masih belum menerapkan learning management system dan belum mengetahui Schoology dengan rata-rata skor sebesar 70% dan 73%. Dalam segi kebermanfaatan, evaluasi juga dilakukan melalui beberapa aspek diantaranya adalah: 1) aspek keterbantuan, 2) ketertarikan pendidik dan siswa, 3) kemudahan, dan 4) fleksibilitas. Hasil evaluasi yang telah dilaksanakan terkait manfaat yang dirasakan saat menggunakan media Schoology sebagai LMS mendapatkan skor 79%-85% untuk setiap aspeknya. Hal tersebut menyimpulkan, ketertarikan dan kebermanfaatan Schoology sebagai LMS dalam pembelajaran cukup tinggi

    Membuat Game Augmented Reality (AR) dengan Unity 3D

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    Pengembangan Game yang cepat beberapa tahun ini membuat mobile game semakin berjaya. Teknologi AR merupakan salah satu yang sedang ramai dikembangkan dan diterapkan di smartphone yang mendukung AR. AR memberi dampak positif dengan potensinya yang dapat memproyeksikan objek seperti teks, gambar, video, dan objek 3D di dunia nyata. Buku Membuat Game Augmented Reality (AR) dengan Unity 3D ini dapat memberikan informasi yang jelas dan terurut untuk membantu pembaca dalam memahami dan mempraktikkan cara membangun sebuah permainan berteknologi AR. Buku ini akan menjadi referensi yang baik untuk mahasiswa jurusan Teknik Informatika, Ilmu Komputer dan sejenisnya. Selain itu, buku ini juga dapat menjadi referensi bagi pecinta game yang ingin mencoba membuat game sendirivi, 222 hlm.; 23 c

    The Crisis of Under-Development and the Failure of the Elite Class in Adebayo Williams’ The Year of the Locusts

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    The crisis of under-development has been a source of concern to many scholars of different hues because of its devastating impact on the countries within the periphery. In the search for the explanation and resolution of this phenomenon in Nigeria, both social scientists and creative writers have been very active. This paper, using Adebayo Williams. The Year of the Locusts explores the issues of under-development and argues that the novel, instead of creating characters that can change their condition and by extension that of their people engages in a game of satire against the elite of the society. These characters are incapable of creating the needed change in their society. The essay concludes that in spite of the large cynicism that hallmarks The Year of the Locusts, it is still a genuine effort in addressing the spectre of under-development in Nigeria through the novelistic form. Key words: Crisis, Under-development, Elite, Writers, Novelists, Individualis